Ukraine Appeal

The Church of Scotland have been in touch with partners in Ukraine about the dreadful situation, with partners the region, and with the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and others to ascertain the best way to offer help so that the right kind of help is given in a way in which it can be used on the ground where it is needed most.

Donations via the Church of Scotland, to Reformed Church in Hungary Aid (RCHA), which is run by our partner, the Reformed Church of Hungary. The RCHA has access to the Reformed church in Ukraine who are using their buildings to support the people moving from east to west as they seek safety and sanctuary. They also are working in the border areas of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania using the Reformed Church contacts and buildings there.

They are providing daily updates and you can see more Information by clicking on the Learn more button below

Though RCHA you can support those fleeing from the east and coming to the west of Ukraine where they can be helped through the churches there; those in the west already who don’t have access to their money when the banks run out and who will need food/help; and those who cross the borders into Hungary, Slovakia or Romania.


Your donations can be directed to the following account:


Royal Bank of Scotland

Church of Scotland No 1 Account

Account no 00134859

Sort code 83 06 08


Reference RCHA donation

Please gift aid this if possible.